January 31, 2011

"What do I do next?"

Last semester, I took a semi-independent class for Trigonometry. I had to retake it even though I already took it in high school because the stupid credits didn't transfer.. but anyway, I HATED Trigonometry. I did fine but I didn't like it at all, and I love math. When we got to the chapter on vectors, I didn't remember learning that in high school (because I don't think we did) and I went to Jonathan for help because he's a big nerd. He explained about finding the horizontal and vertical values for the vector and then finding the resultants for both variables and using the Pythagorean theorem and BLAHBLAHBLAH.

:| <-- my face.

So he told me to do one of my assigned problems and he'd check to see that I did it right. I stared at the problem for a good five seconds. This is how it went down:
C: "I can't do it, help meeeee."
J: "Yes, you can. Look at it carefully. Draw a diagram first."
J: *explains
C: *draws diagram. "WHAT DO I DO NEXT?"

It pretty much went this way for the whole problem. I would say I didn't know what to do, ask for help, get help from him, do that step, then ask for help with the next step. "What do I do next? ... What do I do next? ... What do I do next?" I was completely sure that I didn't know what to do and fully confident that Jonathan knew what he was talking about and that I should follow his directions fully.

That got me thinking... how often do I ask God "What do I do next?" I do sometimes, but I don't think I ask nearly as much as I need to. I'm constantly worrying about my future and I have this plan made out for myself - finish my studies at Cerritos College within 2-3 years and go to UCDavis or Cal Poly Pomona for Vet Med school. I often pray to God that He will continue to help me on this journey, but I'm mainly asking that He'll assist me in making my future plans successful. I don't think to ask what He wants of me and where He wants me to be... Sometimes I do ask, but I'm not really open to listening to what He has to say if it's not what I want to hear. I feel like I am fairly confident in my plan for myself and not really open to much of what God has to say... that doesn't really sound right... Maybe in a year, I'll have changed my major again (but ohmygoodness that would be so frustrating)! Maybe in five years, I'll be in Africa (only said Africa because there are lions there --> I like lions)! WHO KNOWS?! Not me, that's for sure. But God does... so why am I acting like I'm the one that knows best?

So as I stress out about my future plans, goals, and career, I think I need to take a step back and ask God:
"What do I do next?"

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